+   -  Triples Pyramid from 6/08/2023 to 9/08/2023  +   -  Round 1 Repêchage 1 Round 2 Repêchage 2 Round 3 Repêchage 3 Grand Finals Rank Team 11:14 AM Pts 11:26 AM Pts 11:36 AM Pts 11:46 AM Pts 11:57 AM Pts 12:10 PM Pts 12:20 PM Pts 12:30 PM Pts 12:40 PM Pts 12:51 PM Pts 1:02 PM Pts 1:12 PM Pts 1:22 PM Pts 1:32 PM Pts 1:43 PM Pts 1:53 PM Pts 2:04 PM Pts 2:26 PM Pts 2:35 PM Pts 2:46 PM Pts 2:56 PM Pts 3:06 PM Pts 3:16 PM Pts 3:39 PM Pts 3:49 PM Pts 4:00 PM Pts 4:10 PM Pts 4:31 PM Pts 4:41 PM Pts 4:52 PM Pts 12:11 PM Pts 12:21 PM Pts 12:41 PM Pts 12:52 PM Pts 1:20 PM Pts 1:36 PM Pts 1:50 PM Pts 2:05 PM Pts 1 Runt's team 9,290 12 7,490 12 3,650 10 2,500 8 6,860 12 2,690 10 4,900 12 3,950 10 2,960 10 2 Popeyes's team 2,140 6 3,110 10 3,740 12 4,850 14 3,670 12 4,560 12 490 6 2,480 6 2,360 8 3 Gustice's team 1,210 10 3,520 10 3,380 10 4,220 12 3,080 10 2,150 8 4,570 10 5,050 12 0 1 4 Taipan's team 4,700 12 2,110 6 0 4 2,170 8 3,530 12 -300 1 1,980 8 3,090 8 1,820 6 5 Twinkles's team 6,750 12 6,110 12 4,850 12 2,940 10 1,680 4 0 2 0 2 5,200 12 6 Memeless's team 3,200 10 5,710 12 4,190 12 3,450 12 2,090 6 0 1 0 1 0 2 7 JelyHawk's team 4,810 12 5,300 12 0 5 0 4 3,110 10 8 Noodle's team 0 3 2,550 6 3,470 10 3,270 8 3,490 8 2,760 10 9 Invalid's team 3,340 10 1,900 8 4,250 12 20 4 4,970 12 0 2 3,050 8 10 iiii's team 2,190 6 4,080 12 0 1 3,520 10 0 1 2,190 8 11 Cellery's team 3,150 12 1,730 6 5,240 10 -90 1 3,580 12 0 1 2,680 6 12 Spyder's team 5,350 12 6,760 12 2,400 8 4,120 10 0 3 1,490 6 13 T_T's team 5,740 12 3,130 10 4,380 10 1,580 6 2,270 4 14 Ginny's team 5,890 12 4,670 12 0 3 3,380 6 0 2 15 Bootza's team 3,820 10 4,680 10 4,140 12 590 4 0 1 16 Princess's team 3,260 12 2,910 8 0 2 2,860 10 1,970 8 -180 1 17 Potato's team 5,460 10 2,860 8 0 2 0 3 18 Mouldy's team 5,500 12 2,050 8 2,190 6 0 3 19 Shurikitty's team 0 4 1,930 8 6,530 12 0 3 0 2 20 Weezy's team 3,020 8 3,020 8 4,860 12 -150 1 0 2 21 Firebird's team 4,570 10 0 2 3,980 10 1,400 6 -40 2 22 Shifter's team 3,060 8 3,030 10 3,410 10 3,610 8 0 1 23 Bambi's team 2,010 8 4,100 8 5,900 12 0 2 -60 1 24 SpakAttk's team 2,570 8 0 1 5,440 12 -140 1 -70 1 25 Holmes's team -360 1 1,020 4 3,240 10 26 plank's team 0 3 1,270 4 2,970 10 27 Sadlamp's team 300 4 1,320 6 3,150 8 28 Guerriero's team -40 2 1,080 6 2,810 8 29 Ez Points's team -140 1 2,840 8 2,520 8 30 Carton's team 0 2 1,120 2 2,460 8 31 Camsta's team 0 2 2,900 10 2,190 8 32 SEGA's team 4,840 10 0 1 2,360 6 33 Traitor's team 0 2 0 2 2,090 6 34 Stingray's team 2,640 8 -120 1 1,880 6 35 Dragon's team 640 6 2,540 8 900 6 36 Dodge's team 1,320 4 2,200 8 2,020 4 37 Phoenix's team 0 1 1,290 6 930 4 38 Moss's team 4,070 10 0 2 0 4 39 Gaza's team 3,600 10 -40 1 0 3 40 Pugsalad's team 940 4 3,230 10 0 3 41 Bubbles's team 2,090 6 0 2 0 2 42 Robo's team -110 2 3,040 8 0 2 43 NoIdea's team -200 1 1,920 6 0 2 44 Lilbo's team 1,820 6 1,860 4 0 2 45 Browny's team -10 4 1,120 6 0 1 46 insomnia's team 0 1 3,530 10 0 1 47 Techdeck_205's team 0 3 -30 1 -30 1 48 Moo's team -260 1 0 3 -100 1 49 Striker's team 190 4 0 1 -260 1 50 Mst Guardian's team -500 1 -240 1 -850 1
 +   -  Triples Games from 6/08/2023 to 9/08/2023  +   -  Round 1 Repêchage 1 Round 2 Repêchage 2 Round 3 Repêchage 3 Grand Finals Rank Team Time Score Pts Time Score Pts Time Score Pts Time Score Pts Time Score Pts Time Score Pts Time Score Pts Time Score Pts Time Score Pts Time Score Pts Time Score Pts 1 Runt's team 11:26 AM 9,290 12 12:51 PM 7,490 12 3:39 PM 3,650 10 12:21 PM 2,500 8 12:41 PM 6,860 12 1:20 PM 2,690 10 1:36 PM 4,900 12 1:50 PM 3,950 10 2:05 PM 2,960 10 2 Popeyes's team 11:14 AM 2,140 6 12:51 PM 3,110 10 3:16 PM 3,740 12 4:10 PM 4,850 14 12:11 PM 3,670 12 1:20 PM 4,560 12 1:36 PM 490 6 1:50 PM 2,480 6 2:05 PM 2,360 8 3 Gustice's team 1:22 PM 1,210 10 1:53 PM 3,520 10 4:00 PM 3,380 10 4:31 PM 4,220 12 12:11 PM 3,080 10 1:20 PM 2,150 8 1:36 PM 4,570 10 1:50 PM 5,050 12 2:05 PM 0 1 4 Taipan's team 1:43 PM 4,700 12 2:04 PM 2,110 6 4:10 PM 0 4 4:31 PM 2,170 8 12:52 PM 3,530 12 1:20 PM -300 1 1:36 PM 1,980 8 1:50 PM 3,090 8 2:05 PM 1,820 6 5 Twinkles's team 11:57 AM 6,750 12 12:20 PM 6,110 12 3:49 PM 4,850 12 12:21 PM 2,940 10 1:20 PM 1,680 4 1:36 PM 0 2 1:50 PM 0 2 2:05 PM 5,200 12 6 Memeless's team 1:12 PM 3,200 10 1:53 PM 5,710 12 4:00 PM 4,190 12 12:21 PM 3,450 12 1:20 PM 2,090 6 1:36 PM 0 1 1:50 PM 0 1 2:05 PM 0 2 7 JelyHawk's team 11:14 AM 4,810 12 12:10 PM 5,300 12 4:10 PM 0 5 4:41 PM 0 4 12:52 PM 3,110 10 8 Noodle's team 11:36 AM 0 3 12:10 PM 2,550 6 2:35 PM 3,470 10 3:49 PM 3,270 8 4:52 PM 3,490 8 12:41 PM 2,760 10 9 Invalid's team 12:20 PM 3,340 10 1:53 PM 1,900 8 2:35 PM 4,250 12 4:00 PM 20 4 4:41 PM 4,970 12 12:21 PM 0 2 12:52 PM 3,050 8 10 iiii's team 1:12 PM 2,190 6 2:04 PM 4,080 12 4:00 PM 0 1 4:52 PM 3,520 10 12:21 PM 0 1 12:41 PM 2,190 8 11 Cellery's team 1:02 PM 3,150 12 1:53 PM 1,730 6 2:46 PM 5,240 10 4:10 PM -90 1 4:52 PM 3,580 12 12:11 PM 0 1 12:52 PM 2,680 6 12 Spyder's team 12:40 PM 5,350 12 1:22 PM 6,760 12 4:00 PM 2,400 8 4:41 PM 4,120 10 12:21 PM 0 3 12:41 PM 1,490 6 13 T_T's team 11:46 AM 5,740 12 1:32 PM 3,130 10 3:49 PM 4,380 10 12:11 PM 1,580 6 12:52 PM 2,270 4 14 Ginny's team 1:12 PM 5,890 12 1:32 PM 4,670 12 4:10 PM 0 3 4:52 PM 3,380 6 12:41 PM 0 2 15 Bootza's team 11:57 AM 3,820 10 12:40 PM 4,680 10 3:39 PM 4,140 12 12:11 PM 590 4 12:41 PM 0 1 16 Princess's team 12:30 PM 3,260 12 1:12 PM 2,910 8 3:49 PM 0 2 4:31 PM 2,860 10 12:11 PM 1,970 8 12:52 PM -180 1 17 Potato's team 11:36 AM 5,460 10 11:57 AM 2,860 8 4:10 PM 0 2 4:41 PM 0 3 18 Mouldy's team 11:36 AM 5,500 12 12:20 PM 2,050 8 3:39 PM 2,190 6 4:31 PM 0 3 19 Shurikitty's team 1:22 PM 0 4 1:43 PM 1,930 8 2:26 PM 6,530 12 3:49 PM 0 3 4:52 PM 0 2 20 Weezy's team 11:14 AM 3,020 8 11:36 AM 3,020 8 3:06 PM 4,860 12 3:49 PM -150 1 4:31 PM 0 2 21 Firebird's team 11:46 AM 4,570 10 12:51 PM 0 2 2:56 PM 3,980 10 4:00 PM 1,400 6 4:41 PM -40 2 22 Shifter's team 11:46 AM 3,060 8 1:02 PM 3,030 10 2:26 PM 3,410 10 3:39 PM 3,610 8 4:52 PM 0 1 23 Bambi's team 11:26 AM 2,010 8 12:10 PM 4,100 8 2:56 PM 5,900 12 3:39 PM 0 2 4:31 PM -60 1 24 SpakAttk's team 12:30 PM 2,570 8 12:51 PM 0 1 2:46 PM 5,440 12 3:39 PM -140 1 4:41 PM -70 1 25 Holmes's team 1:22 PM -360 1 2:04 PM 1,020 4 3:16 PM 3,240 10 26 plank's team 12:51 PM 0 3 1:43 PM 1,270 4 3:06 PM 2,970 10 27 Sadlamp's team 12:20 PM 300 4 12:40 PM 1,320 6 3:16 PM 3,150 8 28 Guerriero's team 11:26 AM -40 2 12:20 PM 1,080 6 2:35 PM 2,810 8 29 Ez Points's team 11:46 AM -140 1 12:40 PM 2,840 8 2:56 PM 2,520 8 30 Carton's team 1:12 PM 0 2 1:43 PM 1,120 2 3:06 PM 2,460 8 31 Camsta's team 11:36 AM 0 2 12:30 PM 2,900 10 2:26 PM 2,190 8 32 SEGA's team 12:10 PM 4,840 10 1:32 PM 0 1 2:35 PM 2,360 6 33 Traitor's team 11:46 AM 0 2 1:22 PM 0 2 2:56 PM 2,090 6 34 Stingray's team 1:32 PM 2,640 8 2:04 PM -120 1 2:26 PM 1,880 6 35 Dragon's team 11:26 AM 640 6 1:02 PM 2,540 8 3:06 PM 900 6 36 Dodge's team 1:02 PM 1,320 4 2:04 PM 2,200 8 2:35 PM 2,020 4 37 Phoenix's team 11:36 AM 0 1 1:43 PM 1,290 6 2:56 PM 930 4 38 Moss's team 11:14 AM 4,070 10 12:40 PM 0 2 2:46 PM 0 4 39 Gaza's team 11:26 AM 3,600 10 12:40 PM -40 1 2:46 PM 0 3 40 Pugsalad's team 12:30 PM 940 4 2:04 PM 3,230 10 3:16 PM 0 3 41 Bubbles's team 1:32 PM 2,090 6 1:53 PM 0 2 2:26 PM 0 2 42 Robo's team 12:10 PM -110 2 12:51 PM 3,040 8 3:16 PM 0 2 43 NoIdea's team 11:14 AM -200 1 11:57 AM 1,920 6 2:46 PM 0 2 44 Lilbo's team 1:02 PM 1,820 6 1:32 PM 1,860 4 3:06 PM 0 2 45 Browny's team 11:57 AM -10 4 12:30 PM 1,120 6 3:06 PM 0 1 46 insomnia's team 1:02 PM 0 1 1:43 PM 3,530 10 2:56 PM 0 1 47 Techdeck_205's team 11:46 AM 0 3 1:12 PM -30 1 2:46 PM -30 1 48 Moo's team 12:10 PM -260 1 1:22 PM 0 3 2:35 PM -100 1 49 Striker's team 11:14 AM 190 4 12:20 PM 0 1 3:16 PM -260 1 50 Mst Guardian's team 11:26 AM -500 1 11:57 AM -240 1 2:26 PM -850 1
 +   -  Triples Final Games for 9/08/2023  +   -  Grand Finals Rank Team 1:20 PM Pts 1:36 PM Pts 1:50 PM Pts 2:05 PM Pts Average Pts 1 Runt's team 2,690 10 4,900 12 3,950 10 2,960 10 3,625 42 2 Popeyes's team 4,560 12 490 6 2,480 6 2,360 8 2,473 32 3 Gustice's team 2,150 8 4,570 10 5,050 12 0 1 2,943 31 4 Taipan's team -300 1 1,980 8 3,090 8 1,820 6 1,648 23 5 Twinkles's team 1,680 4 0 2 0 2 5,200 12 1,720 20 6 Memeless's team 2,090 6 0 1 0 1 0 2 523 10
 +   -  Triples Solo Ladder  +   -  Tags Ratios Penalties Rank Player Team Average Score Average Rank Tags + Tags- Tag Ratio Score Ratio TR×SR Yellow Games 1 Runt Runt's team 2,572 3.44 25 15 169% 349% 7.26 0.0 9 2 Twinkles Twinkles's team 1,789 5.13 21 13 184% 255% 6.28 0.1 8 3 SEGA SEGA's team 1,567 5.67 16 11 164% 181% 3.83 0.0 3 4 JelyHawk JelyHawk's team 1,554 1.60 25 15 175% 188% 3.82 0.0 5 5 Shifter Shifter's team 1,456 5.80 17 16 112% 203% 2.66 0.0 5 6 T_T T_T's team 1,330 5.80 17 12 147% 182% 3.35 0.0 5 7 CV Runt's team 1,246 7.33 12 8 167% 175% 3.26 0.1 9 8 Dika T_T's team 1,240 8.20 13 12 114% 173% 2.19 0.0 5 9 Spyder Spyder's team 1,197 6.00 15 10 181% 218% 5.41 0.0 6 10 Taipan Taipan's team 1,188 5.44 17 12 135% 167% 2.30 0.0 9 11 Husky Spyder's team 1,150 5.33 15 10 179% 200% 3.83 0.0 6 12 Ginny Ginny's team 1,148 6.40 16 18 90% 146% 1.65 0.0 5 13 VGmaster Gustice's team 1,129 5.33 14 11 132% 170% 2.63 0.0 9 14 Link Runt's team 1,103 8.44 12 10 137% 149% 2.48 0.0 9 15 Invalid Invalid's team 1,097 7.00 14 13 114% 164% 2.38 0.0 7 16 Gustice Gustice's team 1,091 6.33 14 12 124% 171% 2.54 0.0 9 17 Rogue Cellery's team 1,087 8.43 13 11 125% 150% 2.38 0.0 7 18 Cellery Cellery's team 1,073 8.29 15 15 95% 157% 1.85 0.0 7 19 Popeyes Popeyes's team 1,072 8.67 13 13 101% 204% 2.67 0.1 9 20 Ez Points Ez Points's team 1,057 5.00 17 12 136% 131% 2.00 0.0 3 21 Hatman Mouldy's team 1,028 5.00 15 12 124% 138% 1.53 0.0 4 22 vDark Popeyes's team 1,017 7.78 12 13 97% 188% 2.36 0.0 9 23 Wax Spyder's team 1,007 6.33 16 11 146% 197% 4.23 0.0 6 24 Beefy Noodle's team 982 8.33 13 12 112% 127% 1.68 0.0 6 25 That Guy Shifter's team 980 8.00 13 11 126% 134% 2.02 0.0 5 26 Bootza Bootza's team 976 9.40 15 17 91% 124% 1.31 0.0 5 27 Potato Potato's team 975 7.75 15 12 145% 124% 3.75 0.0 4 28 Grub Dodge's team 973 8.33 11 9 116% 128% 1.88 0.0 3 29 exile Weezy's team 970 8.00 14 11 135% 141% 2.53 0.0 5 30 Arcane Popeyes's team 956 9.00 11 9 178% 182% 6.21 0.0 9 31 Kaaron Shurikitty's team 944 6.00 18 13 156% 127% 2.91 0.0 5 32 N00B Invalid's team 943 7.29 13 13 106% 127% 1.71 0.0 7 33 Marmaduke Memeless's team 935 8.50 15 10 160% 135% 3.21 0.0 8 34 Gunner Ginny's team 914 5.80 14 10 166% 116% 2.35 0.0 5 35 ninja Bootza's team 860 9.40 13 12 117% 113% 1.48 0.0 5 36 CROUCHY Mouldy's team 855 9.00 13 14 90% 113% 1.18 0.0 4 37 Tusken Princess's team 853 8.83 11 9 157% 133% 3.25 0.0 6 38 Zygorhiza T_T's team 850 9.20 12 11 113% 116% 1.97 0.0 5 39 Gaza Gaza's team 837 6.67 17 17 99% 100% 1.67 0.0 3 40 Dark Passion iiii's team 832 9.17 12 12 105% 112% 1.83 0.0 6 41 Lepper Twinkles's team 830 7.50 11 9 284% 123% 4.70 0.0 8 42 Mumin Bambi's team 824 7.00 16 16 97% 94% 1.31 0.0 5 43 LingLing Twinkles's team 823 6.63 16 14 126% 116% 1.84 0.1 8 44 Pugsalad Pugsalad's team 817 4.67 16 10 185% 117% 3.02 0.0 3 45 Gryffo Noodle's team 812 7.83 13 11 118% 103% 1.29 0.0 6 46 Peregrin Bootza's team 810 8.80 15 14 110% 104% 1.08 0.0 5 47 Phynnn Gustice's team 800 9.00 13 10 128% 123% 1.78 0.0 9 48 JaeHong Bambi's team 798 9.60 12 11 109% 90% 1.36 0.0 5 49 Noodle Noodle's team 797 10.33 10 10 142% 104% 1.95 0.0 6 50 Syrex Firebird's team 794 7.60 14 12 124% 108% 1.77 0.0 5 51 iiii iiii's team 768 8.67 12 10 177% 103% 2.71 0.0 6 52 Bambi Bambi's team 768 7.80 11 13 94% 89% 1.05 0.0 5 53 SpakAttk SpakAttk's team 756 11.40 10 11 101% 119% 2.64 0.0 5 54 Memeless Memeless's team 753 9.00 12 13 87% 109% 1.13 0.0 8 55 Packing Camsta's team 733 8.00 11 12 103% 101% 1.25 0.0 3 56 YEAH Ginny's team 726 9.00 12 14 87% 92% 1.00 0.0 5 57 Cheru Guerriero's team 717 9.33 11 14 83% 91% 1.02 0.0 3 58 Dodge Dodge's team 707 11.00 9 8 120% 103% 1.62 0.0 3 59 Princess Princess's team 692 9.50 11 11 103% 108% 1.71 0.0 6 60 Camsta Camsta's team 690 8.00 15 11 142% 96% 1.86 0.0 3 61 Rizzler JelyHawk's team 670 8.00 14 12 125% 82% 1.14 0.0 5 62 Not Basilisk Phoenix's team 667 10.33 9 12 84% 83% 0.86 0.0 3 63 Carton Carton's team 663 11.00 14 15 96% 103% 1.25 0.0 3 64 Moss Moss's team 657 9.00 12 11 110% 84% 1.33 0.3 3 65 Firebird Firebird's team 656 8.00 13 13 94% 85% 0.97 0.0 5 66 Aukerai Taipan's team 652 9.89 10 11 102% 94% 1.25 0.0 9 67 BONFIYA Memeless's team 643 9.25 12 12 110% 97% 1.38 0.0 8 68 Benny Weezy's team 614 9.00 12 14 93% 85% 0.82 0.0 5 69 Lilbo Lilbo's team 600 9.67 14 12 118% 84% 0.95 0.0 3 70 plank plank's team 597 7.33 11 13 87% 88% 0.77 0.0 3 71 Mantis SEGA's team 590 7.33 14 13 102% 65% 0.79 0.0 3 72 Sadlamp Sadlamp's team 583 10.33 9 10 88% 102% 1.13 0.0 3 73 Polcrome Sadlamp's team 567 3.67 19 13 148% 103% 1.50 0.0 3 74 Weezy Weezy's team 566 11.40 9 11 95% 81% 1.14 0.0 5 75 Stingray Stingray's team 560 11.67 8 11 82% 72% 0.62 0.0 3 76 TheLeg Potato's team 555 11.00 13 13 107% 70% 1.28 0.0 4 77 Mouldy Mouldy's team 553 7.25 15 13 121% 71% 1.51 0.0 4 78 Zeropa Potato's team 550 10.50 10 11 88% 67% 0.84 0.0 4 79 Robo Robo's team 533 11.33 8 12 70% 70% 0.90 0.0 3 80 Whippet Firebird's team 532 13.00 9 11 91% 67% 1.07 0.0 5 81 Garn Dragon's team 530 12.67 9 14 63% 83% 0.61 0.0 3 82 Jesse Holmes's team 517 12.33 8 13 70% 83% 1.50 0.0 3 83 Mopar Stingray's team 503 8.67 13 13 107% 66% 0.73 0.0 3 84 Mikey Holmes's team 490 12.33 10 11 94% 81% 0.95 0.0 3 85 Jeb_ SpakAttk's team 470 11.00 10 11 93% 75% 1.21 0.0 5 86 Nickel Dragon's team 470 11.00 9 10 145% 71% 2.32 0.0 3 87 Buckshot Invalid's team 464 11.86 8 9 90% 77% 1.29 0.0 7 88 Bones Moss's team 457 9.67 10 11 100% 59% 0.85 0.0 3 89 Wildcard plank's team 450 12.33 9 12 77% 74% 0.87 0.3 3 90 Xam Sadlamp's team 440 3.33 24 14 177% 56% 0.52 0.0 3 91 Stinky insomnia's team 430 8.00 11 11 104% 56% 0.91 0.0 3 92 Villain JelyHawk's team 420 6.20 16 10 157% 47% 0.82 0.0 5 93 Guerriero Guerriero's team 410 10.33 8 8 104% 50% 0.85 0.0 3 94 Tr1cky Stingray's team 403 14.00 6 9 109% 53% 0.99 0.0 3 95 insomnia insomnia's team 400 6.33 14 12 129% 52% 1.04 0.0 3 96 Big Red iiii's team 397 12.00 10 13 84% 54% 0.60 0.0 6 97 Hazmat Pugsalad's team 377 11.33 10 12 87% 54% 0.55 0.0 3 98 Shurikitty Shurikitty's team 374 10.00 13 13 104% 51% 1.07 0.0 5 99 Tiger Shurikitty's team 374 9.20 12 11 105% 51% 0.72 0.0 5 100 Ace Robo's team 373 10.00 12 10 146% 49% 1.18 0.0 3 101 Jam Lilbo's team 373 6.67 18 16 126% 47% 0.37 0.0 3 102 Mum Carton's team 367 13.00 11 10 101% 51% 0.52 0.0 3 103 Traitor Traitor's team 367 11.00 11 17 70% 43% 0.43 0.0 3 104 CmdrSnake plank's team 367 12.67 7 14 52% 53% 0.29 0.0 3 105 CptnMorgan Ez Points's team 363 12.00 10 14 71% 42% 0.48 0.3 3 106 Dragon Dragon's team 360 10.33 10 10 99% 48% 0.49 0.0 3 107 thebmw insomnia's team 347 12.67 9 14 69% 45% 0.57 0.0 3 108 Chuch SpakAttk's team 334 9.80 11 13 89% 55% 0.68 0.0 5 109 Flick Ez Points's team 320 14.00 7 13 58% 39% 0.27 0.0 3 110 Bubbles Bubbles's team 310 7.67 11 12 98% 39% 0.43 0.0 3 111 Holmes Holmes's team 293 11.00 11 14 78% 53% 0.49 0.0 3 112 Drayke Taipan's team 282 14.00 7 10 79% 37% 0.38 0.0 9 113 Syriical Camsta's team 273 11.67 8 9 99% 38% 0.45 0.0 3 114 NoIdea NoIdea's team 267 13.00 7 11 64% 32% 0.26 0.0 3 115 NiteMareRose Princess's team 258 12.83 7 10 82% 39% 0.40 0.0 6 116 GYPLEE Traitor's team 253 12.67 11 15 72% 30% 0.21 0.0 3 117 wamfox Lilbo's team 253 9.67 14 16 87% 38% 0.36 0.0 3 118 VBlongneck Gaza's team 243 10.67 9 9 136% 29% 0.68 0.0 3 119 Vexim Moss's team 243 12.33 9 10 110% 31% 0.55 0.0 3 120 DOMIN8OR SEGA's team 243 14.67 7 10 72% 27% 0.33 0.0 3 121 LYCAN Bubbles's team 220 14.00 8 10 306% 28% 2.20 0.0 3 122 EmZ Pugsalad's team 197 12.00 8 11 73% 28% 0.21 0.0 3 123 Cornetto Shifter's team 186 14.60 9 14 65% 28% 0.28 0.0 5 124 Hatto Browny's team 170 14.33 8 11 79% 24% 0.30 0.3 3 125 Mr. Meeseeks Cellery's team 167 15.43 7 14 51% 26% 0.17 0.0 7 126 SimmyBear Dodge's team 167 16.67 4 9 47% 23% 0.12 0.0 3 127 Yazbeckistan Bubbles's team 167 11.33 9 14 68% 21% 0.12 0.0 3 128 Queenie Carton's team 163 14.33 9 10 106% 26% 0.47 0.0 3 129 axioM NoIdea's team 163 13.67 7 12 63% 19% 0.20 0.0 3 130 RogueNZ Guerriero's team 157 12.67 7 12 62% 22% 0.12 0.0 3 131 zeph NoIdea's team 143 13.33 7 14 49% 17% 0.08 0.0 3 132 Browny Browny's team 143 9.67 11 12 92% 20% 0.13 0.0 3 133 Watto Gaza's team 107 15.33 5 9 160% 13% 0.57 0.0 3 134 Nelly Traitor's team 77 14.67 8 13 67% 9% 0.07 0.0 3 135 Phoenix Phoenix's team 73 17.00 6 12 49% 10% 0.05 0.0 3 136 Arbel Robo's team 70 13.33 7 11 65% 10% 0.10 0.0 3 137 TR4V Striker's team 60 14.00 6 10 61% 8% 0.05 0.0 3 138 Pendragon Browny's team 57 16.00 5 12 45% 8% 0.04 0.0 3 139 Striker Striker's team 23 15.67 4 11 37% -2% 0.06 0.0 3 140 Jette Techdeck_205's team 0 13.00 9 14 70% 0% 0.00 0.0 3 141 NO0Bz316 Techdeck_205's team 0 13.33 11 14 75% 0% 0.00 0.0 3 142 Mst Guardian Mst Guardian's team 0 12.67 7 14 52% 0% 0.00 0.0 3 143 Wardy Moo's team 0 11.33 10 14 74% 0% 0.00 0.0 3 144 CakeyZ Phoenix's team 0 12.67 11 14 80% 0% 0.00 0.0 3 145 Techdeck_205 Techdeck_205's team -20 14.33 9 14 64% -3% -0.01 0.0 3 146 Moo Moo's team -33 12.67 8 11 69% -4% -0.01 0.0 3 147 Pogsley Moo's team -87 13.33 7 13 52% -10% -0.01 0.0 3 148 Oddity Striker's team -107 15.67 4 14 32% -14% -0.02 0.0 3 149 Gizmo Mst Guardian's team -177 17.33 3 15 20% -23% -0.04 0.0 3 150 Sauron Mst Guardian's team -353 16.00 3 14 22% -46% -0.05 0.3 3

Best tag ratio was 1,000% by Lepper. Best score ratio was 715% by Popeyes.

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